Year 6 Production 2019 – Mary Poppins
On Monday 8th July and Tuesday 9th July, the Year 6 pupils performed their show, “Mary Poppins” to packed audiences of family and guests. Summer term is always a very busy time for the Year 6 children, especially after SATs, when they are involved in a number of exciting projects and, of course, a residential trip! It wasn’t always easy to find time to rehearse, but the children took on the challenge and performed two absolutely amazing shows, both of which received standing ovations. Well done Y6 to every single one of you for your hard work in learning lines, song lyrics and dance moves, for organising costumes and for being such fantastically professional entertainers. Everyone who was able to come and watch had a truly wonderful time.
We would like to especially congratulate the brave children who took on leading roles and solo singing parts: you worked particularly hard to memorise your huge number of lines and you were just amazing!
Thank you to all the kind adults at school who created the backdrop and the props and who helped in so many other ways, especially Mrs Green, Mr Morrant and Mrs Cook. Thank you to Mrs Bennett for being an inspirational music director and to her band and colleagues – you gave the children a true West End experience! Finally, a big thank you to all Y6 parents and families for your support in learning lines and for providing such amazing costumes. We just feel sad we can’t do it all again!
Miss Tylor and Mrs Sully