Wentworth Primary School Tree Planting
Wentworth Primary School Tree Planting
Pupils at Wentworth have been planting trees as a way of having a positive effect on the air we breathe in Maldon after discussing concerns about air pollution.
One pupil wrote to the Mayor of Maldon, Flo Shaughnessy, to ask if children in Maldon could plant 1000 trees to help make it a healthier place to live. The School Council also wrote to the PTA to request a donation to buy eight trees to plant around the school.
On Wednesday 12th February every child in the school helped plant the trees, each adding a trowel of soil. The children were delighted that the Mayor came along to plant the eighth tree.
The School Council have also been running the 3 Parking Rules Scheme for the last three years which not only reduces congestion but helps air quality. They are in the process of taking part in the Woodland Trust scheme to plant further trees.
Silver Birch
Prunus Autumnalis
Acer Campestre