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The lessons have an intention of providing a high quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject.

Key religions are revised throughout the years with concepts, features, and key ideas being built upon in different years.

Children in key stage 1 will be introduced to a range of religious concepts in six core religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Budhism and Sikhism. They will have one focus and will touch upon and compare different aspects of each religion.

In year 3 and 4, the core ideologies and foundations of these six religions are taught and this is then allows much more depth into each individual religion. Each core religion is covered for one half term.

As the children move into UKS2, they move onto comparing religions again. Humanism is taught in year 6 as this can be discussed and explore deeper at that age group.

The curriculum allows children to learn about a variety of different religions and to learn about people who are very different to themselves. Children should be challenged to compare key aspects of the religions that they have learnt The activities planned for R.E are enjoyable, such as visiting places of worship and handling artefacts to ensure children see R.E as not distanced from themselves and as a real-life application.



The RE curriculum will allow for children to have a better understanding of the religions that make up the UK landscape and how they can learn from and work alongside each other to create community cohesion. All children will be more informed about their position in the world, and the decisions they can make impacting their future. All children in school will be able to talk confidently about their wellbeing, moral and cultural development for the society in which they live. Children will be able to voice their opinion respectfully and consider the opinions of people different to themselves.



  • All pupils

The RE curriculum will allow for children to have a better understanding of the religions that make up the UK landscape and how they can learn from and work alongside each other to create community cohesion. All children will be more informed about their position in the world, and the decisions they can make impacting their future. All children in school will be able to talk confidently about their wellbeing, moral and cultural development for the society in which they live. Children will be able to voice their opinion respectfully and consider the opinions of people different to themselves.

  • DP

To make as much progress as the other children.

  • SEND

To have a clear understanding of the main objective from each lesson to build up an understanding of a range of beliefs and understanding of people different to themselves.