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PE at Wentworth aims to equip children with the skills they need to be active and healthy individuals. The intent of our PE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in the area of PE enabling them to know more about physical activity and keeping healthy. We aim to provide a varied curriculum that pupils from Foundation to Year 6 not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities that help them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing.

Our children will have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. PE at Wentworth also enables our children to develop leadership and coaching skills.



Classes in Foundation to Year 6 have at least 2 hours of physical activity per week this includes –

  • Daily Mile
  • GoNoodle/Guided Dance
  • Weekly lessons – indoor and outdoor
  • Swimming

Every sport has a knowledge and skills progression document to assist teachers with planning. Skills progress/are built on year by year for example in year 2 gymnastics children explore medium level shapes with linking, mirroring and balancing and this progresses to perform short sequence with: low and medium level shapes; with matching mirroring; contrasting shapes with some linking in year 3.

A specialist teacher teaches outdoor PE to years 2-6. Children have the opportunity to learn the skills of a variety of sports including:

  • Tag rugby
  •  Invasion Games
  • Tennis
  • Netball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Rounders
  • Athletics
  • Rugby

All year groups have intended end points and support is given to teachers to ensure the majority of pupils can reach these. Staff meeting time is used to develop staff’s pedagogical knowledge and skills when teaching PE.

Data is recorded at the end of each unit and passed onto the subject leader for analysis. Reports are generated annually for governors to show progression and the impact of the sports funding.



  •  All pupils

Through dedicated PE lessons, all pupils are equipped with the skills they need to achieve. Most pupils will reach the intended end points for each unit taught.

  • DP

Children are identified and given the same opportunities as their peers. They have the chance to represent the school at competitions and attend after school clubs.

  • SEND

Children are given the tools they need to succeed such as working with a higher ability child, specialist equipment or 1:1 demos with the class teacher. Through extra support most will be able to achieve the intended outcomes for each unit. The least active children in upper KS2 are identified and invited to a specific club to help increase their exercise and learn about a healthy lifestyle.