Pupils at Wentworth will:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and have the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- build upon knowledge and conceptual understanding from EYFS to Y6.
- reason using mathematical language to explain and prove their ideas.
- solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
- develop resilience with challenge and become confident mathematicians.
At Wentworth, we will achieve this by:
- delivering a high quality maths curriculum which is challenging and enjoyable.
- using National Curriculum objectives to plan, supported by access to high quality resources including White Rose Maths schemes of work and resources.
- ensuring teachers and teaching assistants have a high level of subject knowledge eg through subject leader support and staff training.
- ensuring all children are challenged in their daily maths lessons through targeted differentiation.
- ensuring teachers provide high quality resources to support remote learning where this is necessary.
- reviewing medium term planning to reflect gaps in learning and to consolidate key knowledge and skills following the impacts of COVID lockdowns.
- planning for all children to succeed by using a concrete – pictorial – abstract approach to teaching new concepts.
- challenging more able pupils with a wide range of problem solving opportunities to develop mastery at depth before moving on to new concepts.
- focusing on the accurate use of mathematical vocabulary so that pupils can explain their ideas clearly and precisely.
- providing rich opportunities to apply maths in other subjects so that pupils develop an understanding of how maths is relevant in the real world.
- providing opportunities for pupils to access maths resources at home (eg Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots) and providing parents with clear communication about how to support their child.
- celebrating achievement in maths through the award of certificates and displays in classrooms and shared areas of the school.
- moderating pupils’ work internally across the school and externally with other schools.
- teachers’ use of formative assessment to track and target pupils so that they can receive swift intervention support where necessary.
- carrying out termly summative assessments (PUMA /SATs) to monitor pupil attainment.
- holding termly pupil progress meetings with HT and DH with a focus on all groups of vulnerable pupils.
The impact on learning and achievement in maths at Wentworth will be:
- all groups of pupils, including SEND pupils and DPs, make expected or better progress from their starting points.
- most children achieve end of year expectations or higher.
- all pupils are resilient learners who take pride in their achievements.
- all pupils are fluent in number facts and can apply them when solving problems in a range of different contexts.
- all pupils can express their mathematical understanding using vocabulary accurately and as concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
- all pupils build on their mathematical knowledge as they progress through the school so that they are well prepared and confident when starting each next stage of their education.