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We are committed to the broadest educational offering, and that means looking beyond the National Curriculum. A very successful enrichment programme that draws upon a wide range of skills is offered through school trips, visiting specialists and themed days and weeks. The programme is planned and modified throughout the year. Each class completes a local trip and a journey with a coach.


Year group




Library Visit, Care Home


Year 1

The Post Office

Colchester Zoo

Year 2

Explorer visit

Hanningfield Reservoir

Year 3

Places of Worship

Natural History Museum

Year 4


Colchester Castle

Year 5

E-Safety workshop

British Museum

Year 6

Museum of Power

Crucial Crew



We have formed relationships with small organisations around Maldon and incorporate activities with them into our curriculum. These include:

  • Maldon in Bloom – competition, growing, recycling and eco - friendly
  • The Rotary Club - Remembrance Sunday Parade – attendance at the parade and selling remembrance products
  • Open the Book – local church group weekly visits into school
  • Blackwater Schools – Pupil sports tournaments, staff training, shared moderation
  • Maldon District Council – visits to the Moot Hall, visits to the Council Chambers
  • Young Carers – half termly meetings with an outreach worker in school
  • Residential Care Home – visits by the school choir, children to sing, share stories and spend time together
  • St Mary’s Church – choirmaster teaching year 4

Each year group will take part in a variety of workshops throughout the academic year. These will link to their topic work or to a whole school theme. We invite specialists from a range of institutions e.g. E-safety workshops; local historian; rescue services; bikeability; healthcare; school nurse; dwarf association; sports clubs; Maldon art club; barge restoration project.

Themed days and weeks

We also have themed weeks throughout the year. Themed days are also incorporated into curriculum. These may be designed to fit with national initiatives e.g. Internet day. Once a term we replace the home learning timetable with a whole school Mastery challenge.




Friendship week

Harvest Festival

Children in Need

Santa Day

Mastery Homework


Art and DT week

Book week

Comic Relief

Safer Internet Day

Mastery Homework


Swimming Gala

Sports’ days

Open Evening

British Values week

Mastery Homework

Summer Fun Day


Mastery homework is planned each term. The teaching staff decide on a topic to promote research skills, knowledge and the ability to present your findings to an audience. This final presentation is assessed on aspects of speaking and listening by the class teachers. Past themes have included: time, money, poetry, favourite books, films through the decades, and science.

Extra-curricular activities and specialist teachers

At Wentworth we are able to offer extra curriculum expertise through the deployment of our specialist teachers. Children have opportunities to participate in lessons in the following areas throughout the week:

  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Sports
  • Food technology
  • Modern Foreign Language
  • Music


At Wentworth we employ a specialist sports’ teacher to enhance the range of sports and competitions/ tournaments that are offered to pupils. This includes both within school teaching time and after school clubs.

A range of age appropriate sports clubs are offered both before and after school for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils. These change seasonally and are open to all pupils. Specific clubs are operated for pupils who are inactive in sports or reluctant sports people andtarget disadvantaged pupils. Clubs are adapted to all pupils with SEND to participate.

Extra-Curricular clubs typically offered at Wentworth:

These could include:

  • Netball
  • Young Carers
  • Girls active club
  • Boys active club
  • Tournament practice
  • Basket ball
  • Dodgeball
  • Rounders
  • Athletics
  • Tennis
  • Run for fun
  • Choir
  • Tag Rugby
  • Football
  • Homework
  • Recorders
  • Dance
  • Archery -  external provider
  • Tag Rugby - external provider
  • Karate - external provider
  • Daily Mile


We encourage all pupils to enjoy music with our singing assemblies and music lessons where all pupils learn to play keyboards, xylophones and percussion instrument and to sing. We also encourage our children to join our music groups and perform in external competitions and festivals. Some of our pupils take external music exams. Opportunities currently on offer are:

  • Choir
  • Recorder
  • Woodwind Band
  • Peripatetic music lessons in guitar, piano, keyboard and flute.
  • KS1 Nativity
  • Year 6 Production
  • Year 3 Christingle
  • Summer Music concert


This committee has members from staff and pupils, it is responsible for arranging a variety of activities for pupils of all ages. These range from planting blubs and other plants, saving energy, recycling and energy campaigns. We have achieved the silver level Green Flag for three years running.