Online Safety
Parents information
Please view online E-Safety newsletters under newsletters and e-safety newsletters
'The 2 Johns' E-Safety Training website
Internet Matters have produced a range of recommended specialist guides and resources to support parents and carers with children who may be more at risk of online harms.
It's Learning Access
Please find a video that will help your child to access online learning from our online Itslearning platform if they are unable to attend school.
Please note, you should no longer search 'ItsLearning Essex' using a search engine but can go straight to the log-in page using the web address:
ItsLearning Access
This video has been made for parents to demonstrate where to find resources for their child on the school's Virtual Learning Environment if they are unable to attend school due to Covid-19.
Please note, you should no longer search 'ItsLearning Essex' using a search engine but can go straight to the log-in page using the web address:
How to use the Home Link Page
This video shows you how to save a your child's work on ItsLearning
Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.

The Online Safety Alliance has published leaflets for parents/carers about 4 popular Social Media platforms:
Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and TikTok
You can download the leaflets from here

Childnet International:
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.

To find out how to report on-line abuse please got to CEOP's - thinkuknow website:
National organisations for support for parents
Advice for parents can be found at Parentzone:
and NSPCC:
National organisations for support for pupils
Advice for children can be found at
and Childline:
You can download Mr Baker's presentation from the E-Safety evening for year 5 and 6 parents, here:
Also available to download below are seven useful guides about parental controls published by the UK Safer Internet Centre. These offer top tips for Smartphones, gaming devices and internet enabled devices:
For further information visit the UK Safer Internet Centre website:
Key Stage 1 / Foundation
When using the Internet, we learn to be SMARTsurfers!
Safe Meeting Accepting Reliable Tell
Explore more about Hector here:
Read this e-book about Digiduck's Big Decision:
Year 2 pupils should watch Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART Adventure:
Key Stage 2
When using the Internet, we learn to be SMARTsurfers!
Safe Meeting Accepting Reliable Tell
Pupils should watch Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART Adventure:
E-Safety Charter