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Our primary concern is to ensure all children at Wentworth Primary School feel HAPPY and SAFE with us.

If we can do this, then all of our children will be successful in their learning journey.

Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Dawn Dack

Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Jennie Tinsley, Mrs Janine Rayner

Nominated Governor responsible for Safeguarding /Child Protection: Mr Stuart Emerson 

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding covers a wide range of activities and actions taken by a number of different people and agencies.

By ‘Safeguarding’ we mean: Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment, preventing harm to children’s mental and physical health or development, ensuring children are provided with safe and effective care, taking action to enable all children to have the best possible outcomes, safeguarding is about keeping children safe at all times. 

Internet Safety

Internet safety is a safeguarding priority at Wentworth.  For more information, please see our “Internet Safety Curriculum” which can be found in the Computing tab under Curriculum.
